TWO NOTTINGHAM SUPERHERO fans have secured a place in the history books by changing their names… to the longest names in the world.
Twenty-two-year-old Kelvin Borbridge and his friend, 23-year-old Daniel Knox-Hewson, are now known respectively as Baron Venom Balrog Sabretooth Vader Megatron Vegeta Robotnik Magneto Bison Sephiroth Lex Luthor Skeletor Joker Grind and Emperor Spiderman Gandalf Wolverine Skywalker Optimus Prime Goku Sonic Xavier Ryu Cloud Superman HeMan Batman Thrash.
Sky News reports that the pair paid just £10 each to change their names by deed poll.
So, what other deed poll dare-devils are out there?
- In 2008 teenager George Garratt changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined. He’s thought to have held the honour of having the world’s longest name until Baron Grind and Emperor Thrash stole his thunder.
- A Welsh Asda worker changed his name earlier this year from Greg Lewis to Dr. Pasty-Smasher Omelette.
- In 2009 football fanatic Frazer Boyle changed his name to Motherwell Football Club. Wonder who he supports?…
- Teenager Joel Whittle had the hangover from hell when he came to with his name changed… to Big Crazy Lester. It was as simple as filling out the deed poll form and pressing send.