IF THERE IS one chocolate that gets a disproportionate amount of flak, it’s the humble Bounty.
The anti-Bounty mob are everywhere around us and aren’t shy about airing their incorrect opinion:
Which can be summed up as: Bounty = shite
But oh, how wrong they are – and it’s at times like this you just have to take a stand and defend what is right
And the fact that some people can’t appreciate the coconut goodness, just leaves more for the Bounty lovers themselves
In fact, they’re criminally under rated just because they don’t stick to the tried and tested chocolate format
One of the main criticisms thrown at Bounty is that it’s always the last one left in the Celebrations tub
Around Christmas, loads of people throw their toys out of the pram
But they’re missing out on the delicious chocolate and coconut combination
You can’t legislate for taste, so maybe the Bounty haters should be quiet for a while – and let the silent minority enjoy them in peace
Glorious <3