FOLLOWING ON FROM our recent stroll down the lane that holds memories of female-only education, today we’re going to examine the world of all-male schools.
How many of these memories of an all-boys education strike a chord with you?
Fancying every female teacher under 40
Even if they weren’t in any way attractive.
The guys who thought they were Gods because they were good at football/GAA/rugby
The guys who clearly hated sports but were forced to play football/GAA/rugby
The fear of the unknown when you open the door to a toilet cubicle
Feigning interest in drama because the local girls’ school were joining in in your play
Fights organised for a specific time and place after school
Lying about your experience with girls
The perennial rumour about a former 6th year who scored a teacher at the Debs
It almost certainly never happened, but the idea that it could happen to you kept it going.
Abusing the one guy who forgot about non-uniform day and came in in his uniform
So much farting. The louder and smellier the more heroic.
Inventing random sports/ games and playing them obsessively for a week until you came up with a new one
Crude drawings of the the male genitalia appearing on every surface
Shocking amounts of casual homophobia