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Boyzone are back! Here are some stylish looks they should return to...

20 years in the game and so many sartorial gems.

BOYZONE ARE GOING to hit the road again this year to celebrate 20 years together. Yes, you read that right.

The boys will be touring across the UK and Ireland (including Dublin and Belfast in November) and will likely run through all of their hits.

We’re sure Boyzone’s show will be great fun but we are more concerned with what they may wear.

We’ve gone through the Boyzone archive to pull out some of their most, shall we say, memorable looks.

Take note lads here are some important moments in your style file…

First of all there was the time you all had a lie down and Shane forgot to wear a top:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

Or when Ronan thought a red tartan blazer would be a good look:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

Also, we don’t know what possessed 3/5 of you to wear sunglasses INDOORS:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

And look lads, we don’t know what you were getting up to here but tone down the aggression alright?

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

Mind you, this a brave and noble attempt at injecting some tropical flavour into your outfits:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

Mind you, you really did know how to rock a hat!

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

Really, just any kind of hat at all:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

At least when the lads got on stage they found slightly more sophisticated looks:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

Hang on, let’s try that again:

Owen Humphreys/PA Archive/Press Association Images

Ah lads, c’mon. Even the bouncers at your own shows are having none of you:

Mind you, this is a bit better:

Nick Tansley/Nick Tansley/EMPICS Entertainment

That’s about it from our Boyzone style archive. We just hope whatever the lads wear on tour doesn’t provoke this reaction:

Simon Meaker/EMPICS Entertainment

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