HAVING BIG BOOBS is not easy. Backpain, finding tops that fit, and difficulties buying cute bras are only SOME of the problems.
Chardé Heremaia, a blogger from New Zealand, was recently shopping at her local K Mart when she went on a rant about the lack of nice bras to buy in her KK size.
The video clearly struck a chord, with over 22,000 likes and 7,300 shares.
She notes that all the small bras are cute, while the larger sizes are granny bras.
The injustice.
She told Buzzfeed that she made the video on a whim to bring her plight to the attention of the bra manufacturers:
Bra manufacturers who custom-make bras for the very heavily busted women should also make pretty ones for a more affordable price.Why am I paying $80 to $100 for a granny-looking hammock?! Smaller bras come cheap, and you don’t pay more for shoes when you have bigger feet, do you?!