Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 19 February, 2025

14 pictures that will enrage anyone who wears a bra

*pings bra strap*

1. These bloody things


3. When a camera flash exposes all

4. Trying to do up a three-hook bra

Factory-Price-Cotton-Nursing-Bra-Healthy-Printed-Footprint-Open-Cup-Bras-Three-Eye-Hook-Back-Front Source: Ali Express

Just when you think you’ve mastered the two-hook, they throw a curveball at you.

5. The ‘bra line’

Should we just wear our bras outside our clothes? It’d be pretty much the same thing.

6. These yokes


7. The tyranny of strapless bras

Full-time hoicking.

8. And backless tops

How, like.

9. And bra straps that magically loosen of their own accord

10. This mistake

You always realise it when it’s too late to go back and change. Always.

11. Trying to do this, post gym

12. This crap

13. And this crap

This is even more annoying if you actually took the time to be fitted for the bra in question. What is this betrayal?

14. And finally, this crap

Bra shopping: The sweatiest, least enjoyable exercise in the world.

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