GETTING DOWN WITH the kids is something that is universally appealing to all brands out there.
There are subtle ways to go about this mission – and then there are these efforts:
1. We see what you’re trying to do here
2. Shield your eyes from this
3. TTYL :)
4. Ain’t nobody indeed
5. This slightly creepy attempt at the cinema
6. The I’m On A Boat song was popular in 2009, of course, so it’s a perfect fit for a tweet in 2015
7. This magazine cover
No car should be on fleek. Ever.
8. This wonderful combination of bad punning and a song from 2001
9. Would you want to sit in this McDonald’s?
No, no, no, no.
10. Or get a burger from this place?
11. You’d send back this pizza if you were to stick to your principles
12. And this meme is still fresh and relevant
13. Please, no
14. #Grrreat
That meme should be left in the desktop recycling bin of 2009. For everyone’s sake.
A hat-tip to the wonderful Brands Saying Bae and Fellow Kids for collecting some of these.