HEISENBERG AND JESSE Pinkman may be off our screens, but that hasn’t stopped their real-life counterparts from heating up the stove. We’re starting to suspect that Breaking Bad wasn’t really a fictional show at all.
42.9 pounds of the pair’s trademark blue meth was discovered in an SUV at a truck stop last Friday. The haul is said to be worth almost €1.7 million.
Fox 25 reports that the police grew suspicious of the vehicle as it didn’t quite “look right” due to being registered in the state of Colorado but transported from Los Angeles to Missouri.
When the officers went to check out the truck, they found a false compartment under the back seat which they said was a “huge red flag”. Inside, they found 15 bundles of the bright blue methamphetamine.
Now only Walter and Pinkman know the correct way to cook meth so pure that it’s blue, not to mention the reality that meth is most likely not going to appear blue but a brownish yellow colour.
We all know the pair’s fate by now, so who cooked this?
The most reasonable explanation is that the stacks are most likely dyed blue, as drug dealers probably watch TV too and thought it would be gas.
Police say that the truck driver had no idea what he was concealing in the truck and was monitored making the delivery by a real-life Hank and his DEA buds. At the truck’s destination, the detectives raided a home where they found more drugs and made six arrests.
Uh oh…
h/t to Uproxx