BRYAN CRANSTON HAS delivered a Twitter burn to people in Florida protesting against the stocking of Breaking Bad dolls in toy stores.
Cranston was reacting to headlines like this:
and this:
and this:
He tweeted:
Florida parent Susan Schrivjer launched an online petition to have Breaking Bad dolls removed from shelves in Toys R Us. Some of the dolls come complete with tiny bags of crystal meth and are sold in the store’s collectibles section.
Over 2,600 people have now signed the petition which reads:
However their decision to sell a Breaking Bad doll, complete with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth, alongside children’s toys is a dangerous deviation from their family friendly values.
While the show may be compelling viewing for adults, its violent content and celebration of the drug trade make this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters.