DAILYEDGE.IE ROUNDS UP the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Paradise Hunters (Channel 4, 9pm)
Two millennials leave their jobs and head off to find different lives across the world. Katie leaves her role distributing music videos in London to work on a ranch in Mexico, while Charlie leaves a job in Brighton to become a salmon farmer on a remote Scottish loch.
This Crowded House (RTE 2, 9.30pm)
Brendan Courtney attempts to help Irish families coping with adult children moving back home with their parents. He meets brothers who are struggling in their childhood homes, and a young couple who are considering a cabin in their parents’ garden. Grim.
Stephen, The Murder That Changed a Nation (BBC 1, 9pm)
This documentary examines the 1993 death of Stephen Lawrence. It takes us through events leading up to the murder, and the police investigation that took place in the aftermath.
Everyone’s talking about… Pamela Anderson on GMB
Pam Anderson appeared on Good Morning Britain this morning, and it was kinda cringe.
She clashed with host Susanna Reid when speaking about Julian Assange, and then launched into some strange sex discussion with Piers Morgan.
God help us all.
Or flick over for…
The Astronaut Wives Club (RTE 2, 11.25pm) When NASA picks seven men to go to space, their wives become royalty.
Home of the Year (RTE 1, 8.30pm) Tonight features an old schoolhouse in Roscommon, a two bed apartment in Dublin, and a low rise in Armagh.
The Expendables (TV 3, 9pm) Action movie starring every action movie actor you’ve ever heard of.
Legion (FOX, 9pm) New series of the superhero thriller.