Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

7 important Irish moments, improved by Brian McFadden in his Toy Show suit

Officially the greatest suit of all time.

Source: TV3

BRIAN McFADDEN’S Christmas suit was the undisputed star of the TV3 Toy Show last night. People LOVED it.

Here are 7 photos to show that any moment is improved by the addition of McFadden’s epic suit.

1. Saving the goal from Thierry Henry’s handball, 2009

Source: PA/TV3

2. Celebrating the Riverdance finale at Eurovision, 1994

Source: RTE/TV3

3. Introducing Charlie Haughey to Margaret Thatcher, 1980

Source: PA/TV3

4. Enjoying a speech by Eamon De Valera, 1923

Source: PA/TV3

5. Rocking out on stage with U2, 1980

Source: PA/TV3

6. Coming up the turret stairs, 1864

Source: Public domain/TV3

7. And protecting some innocent geese from Enda Kenny, 2013

Source: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland/TV3

Thank you, Brian. And thank you, suit.

More: 8 things we learned from TV3′s Christmas Toy Show>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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