EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.
#OOPS I DISCOUNT AGAIN: Britney Spears shops in eurosaver stores. (Or rather, because she’s in the US, dollar stores.) Over the last year – in which Brit Brit earned $10million – she blew through $78 at 99 Cents Plus and Pay 99 Cents or Less.
She also spent $33,959 on grooming and wardrobe, and $3,400 on Christmas lights. So we guess she’s probably alright. (TMZ)
#NIALLER: Niall Horan got fed with a baby’s bottle by Rochelle from the Saturdays and Marvin Humes from JLS.
“Niall sucks Rochelle’s teat” headlines coming in 3… 2… 1…
#THE GOOP: Gwyneth Paltrow turned up at an authors’ event to promote her new cookbook, and the other authors there were enraged.
One Christina Oxenberg, who ended up sitting next to Gwynnie’s entourage, was particularly miffed:
The divinity in question arrived with hubby, children and a couple of massive bodyguards. The worshippers blocked my view of the whole world, abusing my tiny territory upon which to abandon their trash or lean their sorry asses.
So she took action against Paltrow, a vocal vegan:
I saw the food table, and suddenly I knew what needed doing. I made a plate of miniature sloppy hamburgers, stinky steak sandwiches, and the like and hauled it back to my piece of table [...] And there I sat with my meat products, wafting the excellent smells toward my sleek vegan neighbor. She ignored the siren smells of protein. We never did say hello.
BURN. (wooldomination.com)
Gwyneth Paltrow looking disdainfully at some meat. (bsp/x17/Black Sheep Press/Press Association Images)
And the rest of the day’s dirt…
- Oprah Winfrey is sorry about that handbag story, but reckons it was definitely racist. (Gawker)
- Justin Bieber is unbearably patronising. (Instagram)
- Katy Perry and Rihanna are palling around again. (ONTD)
- Ben Affleck visited Lindsay Lohan in rehab, and told her how to stay sober. (TMZ)
- Miley Cyrus denies being in the Illuminati. (ONTD)