1. When you have THAT talk with yourself after getting a bottle of Coke with lunch instead of a can
That €0.60 makes all the difference.
2. When it’s someone’s birthday and they want to go out for dinner
3. When you want to hear clichés because they are comforting
And edible.
4. When all your grand clean eats plans are thrown in the bin
5. Your face when your bills are mounting
6. When you have to come up with ridiculous lies to get out of spending cash
7. Your bank account sings “Why you always lyin’?” every time you think about spending cash
8. When you have no intention of purchasing an item you still have to maintain your dignity
9. When you just get to the point where “f**k it” is an acceptable attitude
10. And when some kind relative offers you cash you have to pretend to not take it at first
But then obviously take it on the second offer.
11. When even trips within Ireland look like a black hole for your cash
It’s January so anything goes to get you through it.
Stay strong, everyone.