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12 memories you'll only have if you were in the Brownies

Dat yellow jumper doe.

JOINING THE GIRL Guides is a rite of passage for a sizeable number of Irish girls. Even if you only had a brief career in the Brownies, you’ll remember these things.

1. You probably had to dance around a toadstool on your introduction to the group

What was that about? (This. This is what it was about.)

2. But that uniform was the BUSINESS, so it was all OK

Stylish yellow Fruit of the Loom jumper: Check.
Neckerchief: Check.
Navy sash: Check.

Ready to rock and roll.

3. You learned that this thing is called a ‘woggle’, and it’s still incredibly funny to you

woggle Source: Instagram/gracefrances92

Woggle. WOGGLE!

4. And pledged to do one Good Turn a day, then promptly forgot about it

I’m here to make things out of lollipop sticks and wear a yellow jumper, lady. I’ll do nuttin.

5. You absolutely couldn’t wait until you got your first badge

When you eventually did, you eagerly looked on as your dad/mam/granny sewed it on. May they do it wrong on pain of death.

6. And you looked at the girls with tons of badges with awe and fear

You didn’t know what half of them meant, but you knew you wanted them all.

7. The women who lead the group were all named after types of owls, and you never called them anything else

ES1303_tawny_owl Source: E-patchesandcrests

Mary? Who’s Mary? Her given name is clearly Snowy Owl.

8. And you definitely still have scary memories of being given out to by a Brown Owl

brown-owl-1208042_1280 Source: Pixabay

AKA the big cheese. The lady you did not want to cross. The lady who gave you a certain apprehension towards people in neckerchiefs for the rest of your life.

9. You may not have done any camping, but you did make tat to give your mam

Maybe Brownies these days learn how to camp, but in your day it was a lot sticking things to other things in the name of art.

Your mam was delighted, obviously, to add to the hape of tat you already made for her in school.

10. You might have even gone on a trip away for a day

To the local swimming pool to get your Swimming badge, or perhaps the zoo if you were really fancy. No matter where you went, though, you were always roaring “EVERYWHERE WE GOOO-OH! PEOPLE ALWAYS ASK US!”

11. Or had a sleepover in your clubhouse

Someone would inevitably have to be picked up by their parents by 10pm. Such is life.

12. But the day always ended with everyone holding up three fingers and reciting the Brownie Promise

I promise to do my best, to do my duty to my God and my country, to help those at home everyday, and to obey the Brownie Guide Law.

Heavy stuff for seven year olds.

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