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8 delicious Brussels sprout recipes... no really

Maligned no more.

THE HUMBLE SPROUT gets a bad rap this time of year.

What with the fart smells produced through (over)cooking and the fart smells produced through… well… farts, they’re not the most popular Christmas vegetables.

Until now!

These recipes should ensure the humble sprout has a very merry Christmas…

Sprouts with Bacon, Pecans and Maple Syrup

syrup Source: OnceUponAChef.com

Bacon. Pecans. Maple syrup. Hold us. The recipe maker claims:

They’re so addictive, it’s hard to resist eating the entire pan right out of the oven.

Have at them.

Jamie’s Shredded Sprouts

spr Source: JamieOliver.com

This involves  making bits of the sprouts in a food processor and frying them with bacon and sage. Yes please.

Recipe here.

Brussels Sprouts Gratin

gr Source: SimplyRecipes.com

A creamy delight, with the sprouts baked with bacon, shallots and cheese. Belly, prepare yourself.

Recipe here.

Brussels Sprouts Crisps

crisps Source: MarthaStewart.com

You’ll need to separate the leaves of the sprouts but once you do that it’s plain sailing.

The recipe’s here

Nigella’s Sprouts with Chestnuts and Pancetta

nig Source: Nigella.com

Chestnuts, if you don’t mind. And pancetta! Nigella wouldn’t lead you astray.

Recipe here.

Smoky Buttered Brussels Sprouts

smoky buttered brussels sprouts 4 Source: BarefeetInTheKitchen.com

These only take five minutes and you’ll be lobbing them into your gob before they even hit the table.

Five minutes? Sign me up.

Deep Fried Brussels Sprouts

deep Source: ModernistCuisine.com

Hey, it is the season of excess after all. Why not deep fry your vegetables?

Brussels Sprout Ice Cream

ice Source: Examiner.com

For the adventurous among you with an ice cream maker. We’re sure it’s delicious.

Go on then, you madmen.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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