Dublin: 9 °C Sunday 2 March, 2025

Tesco claiming to sell 123 of these a minute, but do you eat them?

Little green sprouts.

TESCO SAYS IT will be selling nearly 123 Brussels sprouts a minute in the run up to 25 December.

That’s a lot of farts lads.

The retailer says 5.5 million Irish sprouts will be sold this month, despite the vegetable dividing households with their controversial cabbagey taste.

Tesco has also done us the service of working out if sprouts are in fact the windiest of the Christmas vegetables (using some dubious science).

Calculating the amount of carbs and fibre in the likes of parsnips, sprouts, turnip and cabbage, it’s been determined that raw parsnips are actually worse offenders than our little green pals.

What anybody might be doing eating raw parsnip is beyond us, but each to their own.

How about you? Do you enjoy a sprout?

Poll Results:

Yes, they're delicious (807)
Not a chance (432)
Parp (90)

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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