Dublin: 6 °C Thursday 20 March, 2025

You can now get these glorious Buckfast Easter Eggs in Ireland

Because nothing says ‘Easter’ like it.

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YOU KNOW WHAT just screams Easter? Buckfast. Oh, and chocolate, of course.

That’s probably why D-Bee’s off-licence in Lurgan, Co Armagh has combined the two to create a special Buckfast Easter egg. Look at it. It’s fabulous.

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Inside, you’ll find a plain chocolate egg (sadly not Bucky flavoured), a mini bottle of the tonic wine, and some extremely cool Buckfast merch to impress your mates with.

Remember when you used to assess an Easter egg by the quality of the treats that came with it? There’s something so wonderfully retro about it all.

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The egg is currently on sale in the off-license for £8.99, but will be available on D-Bee’s website from April 3 (to give their regulars a chance to get in first, apparently).

What better way to break Lent than a double whammy of chocolate and a suppeen of Buckfast?

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