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Buckfast Ice-cream - just the tonic!


Buckfast, the popular tonic wine.

BUCKFAST or ‘bucky’ as its known to scores of Irish young peoplee has been made into an ice-cream and is proving a hit.

Buckfast ripple ice cream is on the menu at the Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman, or E:S:I, in Leith according to The Belfast Telegraph.

Irishman Paul McCutcheon who is co-owner of the restaurant said: “It’s not what people expect because it reduces down to be really fruity. We did rhubarb and Buckfast, which was really popular because it tasted so good.”

Chef Richard Waugh — the Englishman of the restaurant’s title— added: “It’s hard having a bottle of Buckfast in the kitchen. You have to try and resist at the end of a long shift.”

A sorbet, also made from Buckfast, has been withdrawn from another Scottish ice-cream parlour. The sorbet had been for sale to over-18s for six weeks before it was discontinued due to bad sales.

Earlier this year it was revealed that Buckfast, brewed in Devon, was mentioned by Strathclyde Police in 5,000 crime reports in three years.

Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill, the local MSP, said its the sorbets introduction had been “crass and insensitive”.

About the author:

Daire Hickey

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