1. Stay in bed
If you’re still under the duvet, it isn’t happening. That’s the rule.
2. Run away as fast as you can
Michael Noonan is slow. He’ll never catch you.
3. Watch a box set
And we mean a really good one.
via youretoogoodtolose.tumblr.com
4. Think about Ryan Gosling
The Canadian Press/Press Association Images
Now. Isn't that better?
5. Start a new life on the open road
No property charges. No water charges. Just the freedom to roam wherever you please, in the vehicle you choose:
If necessary, you can also personalise your caravan with your feelings about the Budget:
6. Watch this ten-hour video of people hurting themselves
The sight of other people in pain may help.
7. Stare obsessively at your bank balance
Flickr/Salim Virji
If you're watching, the Government can't take your money. Right?
8. Think about the fact that the little girl from My Girl...
... is now 32 years old:
LuMar Jr/AFF/EMPICS Entertainment
Is your mind blown yet? Then you won't be worrying about the Budget.
9. Focus on your pets
Forget how YOU feel about the Budget. How do your pets feel? Are they sad? Afraid? Do they need cheering up?
Do they, perhaps, need a giant wall maze of cardboard boxes?
The day will pass in no time.
10. Flee the country
Flickr/|| UggBoy♥UggGirl || PHOTO || WORLD || TRAVEL ||
BUT FIRST, make sure this guy isn't checking boarding passes.
11. Nyan Cat!
When your synapses are fried, you won't be worrying.
Bzzt .... bzzt .... bzzzzt
*brain dies*
12. Disguise yourself so you can never be found
And only come out when Budget Day is over. See you then!