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A dating app brilliantly shut down a lad who accused a woman of being a gold digger

Scarlet for you, Connor.

ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER mortifying exchange on a dating app.

Bumble is a dating app much like Tinder. Unlike Tinder, only women can initiate the conversation on Bumble. If a woman fails to chat to someone within 24 hours of matching with them, the match is deleted and everyone moves on.

While this goes some way to preventing harassment, the app still attracts a few dopes. Case in point?

Last week, a gal named Ashley was matched with a lad named Connor.

Connor complained about it being a slow day at work, so Ashley decided to ask what he worked at. You know, normal small talk.

work Source: Bumble

And that was when all hell broke loose.

Connor did not like being asked about where he worked, it seemed.

da Source: Bumble

When she accused him of having a tantrum, he stated that he was merely “keeping it real” and fighting the “neo-liberal, Beyonce, feminist cancer” he encountered

And then he bragged about having a $300,000 salary. Alright, mate.

tumblr_inline_o881etIfNr1u4o2n8_1280 Source: Bumble

Bumble were alerted to the exchanges and decided to write an open letter to Connor in which they condemned his behaviour

It has been brought to our attention that you lost your cool on one of our female users named Ashley. She made small talk, you felt personally attacked. She mentioned her work day and asked about yours; you assumed that she was prying into your financial status.
We are going to venture a guess into the state of mind of Ashley here, given that we are all working women ourselves. Take a seat, because this concept may blow your mind. Women nowadays work. It’s happened over time, we know, but a vast majority of women from our generation have jobs.
With that in mind — and knowing that Ashley simply mentioned work in the conversation — we can gather that she wasn’t hoping to figure out if your wallet was sizeable enough for her to move into your house and start cooking dinner for you after vacuuming your living room while you clock in a 9 to 5 work day.
Instead, Ashley was (wait for it, Connor, because this is where things really get interesting), viewing herself as an equal. It might sound crazy, but people connect over the basic routines of life. You know… the weather, working out, grabbing a drink, eating, and working.

The app then pledged to “expand our reach and make sure that women everywhere receive the message that they are just as empowered in their personal lives as they are in the workplace”.

We are going to continue to build a world that makes small-minded, misogynist boys like you feel outdated.

In conclusion? Connor won’t be using Bumble any time soon.

We are going to hope that one day, you come around. We hope that the hate and resentment welling up inside of you will subside and you’ll be able to engage in everyday conversations with women without being cowardice to their power. But until that day comes, Connor, consider yourself blocked from Bumble.

giphy (4) Source: Giphy

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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