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Bumper secondary school test: The answers

How did you do?

1. Who wrote the poem Ode on a Grecian Urn? John Keats

2. In science, what does AC/DC stand for? Alternating current/direct current

3. What period in history is John Calvin associated with? The Protestant Reformation in the 16th century

4. What’s the capital of Venezuela? Caracas

5. Where did Peig Sayers live? Great Blasket Island

6. From what Shakespeare play does the quote ‘the quality of mercy is not strained’ come from? The Merchant of Venice

7. Who discovered the DNA double helix? Watson and Crick

8. What did the Romans refer to Ireland as? Hibernia

9. What is a pyroclastic cloud associated with? Volcanoes

10. In Irish, how do you say “I forgot”? Rinne mé dearmad

11. Where in New York is the Great Gatsby set? Long Island (West Egg, Long Island)

12. What is kinetic energy? It’s the energy possessed by an object due to its motion

13. What do the stripes on the flag of the United States stand for? The 13 original British colonies

14. What kind of rock is limestone? Sedimentary rock

15. In Irish grammar what does ‘tuiseal ginideach’ mean? Genetive case

16. Who wrote the poem Stony Grey Soil? Patrick Kavanagh

17. What is HCl the chemical formula for? Hydrochloric acid

18. What did the Government of Ireland Act in 1920 do? Partitioned Ireland into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland

19. What was the continental mass which existed in the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras called? Pangea

20. What does léamhthuiscint mean? Comprehension

21. Who wrote the novel Hard Times? Charles Dickens

22. What are the two types of cell division? Mitosis and meiosis

23. What was a fulacht fiadh? A stone or bronze age cooking pit

24. What would you use an easting and northing for? To get a grid reference on a map

25. What is the Irish for government? Rialtas

26. What was Felix Randal’s profession in the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem? Farrier

27. What is marked on this diagram? Trachea

28. Who was the first Taoiseach of Ireland? WT Cosgrave

29. Name the five great lakes of America... Superior, Michigan, Erie, Huron, Ontario

30. What does 'bhí sí ar meisce' mean? She was drunk

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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