WE KNOW HOW you feel. You’ve had a great bank holiday but it’s back to work tomorrow and you have the whole week stretching out in front of you.
So do like we do here at TheJournal.ie HQ and get stuck into a serious debate on one of life’s most pressing issues.
This week: The weather wasn’t bad this weekend, was it? No freezing temperatures, little rain, and even – gasp – some sun. And yet, with the weather comes The Fear: how do you make the most of these brief hours of sunshine?
Do you go to a barbecue, or even brave holding one yourself? Where you get to sit outside with your friends, drink some beers and spend your time moving around your back garden chasing the sun so nobody has to sit in the shade? Or do you go to the beach, where you can resurrect your swimsuit for one day of the year, brave the mercies of the Irish seawater and lay on a towel, soaking up the (weak) rays?
It’s a tough one. So what do you do?
Poll Results:
Got a burning question that has divided your household/work colleagues/friends? Let us know in the comments section or email us at tips@thejournal.ie.