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The Guide to Going Camping In Ireland

Thinking about going camping this weekend? Heading to a festival? Read this before you head off.

WHILE WE MIGHT not claim to be Bear Grylls or anything, there is still an element of taking your life into your hands when you go camping.

If you need a hand coping with peeing in the open air, facing inclement weather and pitching your tent – then look no further, DailyEdge.ie is here to hold your hand.

Step 1: Bring the essentials

Make a checklist of everything you’ll need to survive in the wilderness. Yes, that list includes luxury quadruple-ply toilet paper and iPod speakers. We said “essentials” didn’t we?

Remember to bring a can opener – unless you’re into banging your baked beans off rocks to get them open.

Image: via Imgur

Step 2: Picking the spot

Wherever you choose, make sure you’re actually allowed to camp there. Take our word for it, it’s no craic getting chased off land by an angry man with a pitchfork at 3am.

Image: Flickr/Irish Typepad

Step 3: Pitching the tent

One piece of essential, unbeatable advice: get someone else to do it.

Step 4: Food and drink

Arguably the best part of camping – THE CAMPFIRE!

Camping comes into its own with charred sausages, gooey marshmallows and smoky flavours. It’d nearly have us pretending to camp in the back garden, just for the food.

Image: Imgur

Step 5: The inevitable food and drink aftermath

Okay. We’ll level with you. Everyone – even women, especially women – has a digestive tract that needs to do its thang shortly after we eat.

You’ll be doing your thang (as we’re calling it) outdoors while you camp. Hand sanitizer, my friend. Hand sanitizer.

Step 6:  Entertainment

Without fail, someone will bring an acoustic guitar and bore everyone to tears with inept renditions of Hallelujah and Hurricane. Head this joker off at the pass by suggesting ghost stories around the campfire instead.

Image: Flickr/tawalker

Step 7: Snoozing

A groundsheet and a proper sleeping bag are indispensable for camping in Ireland. Heed your Mammy’s warnings and don’t get a chill in them kidneys, now.

Image: Imgur

Step 8: When it’s all over…

We still have to clean up. The iron-clad rule of camping is “leave no trace”. That means you must take your auld manky empty packets of sausages back home with you.

What are your failsafe camping tips? Share them in the comments.

Read: 9 reasons why you’re better off never going to a musical festival>

Read: How to tell if you’re an Irish person on holiday>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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