Dublin: 6 °C Tuesday 25 February, 2025

Caption comp: Which way next for the Oireachtas?

Tell us what you think the hillwalking troika of Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Jimmy Deenihan and Eric Byrne could be talking about…

THE INCUMBENTS OF Leinster House are sometimes accused of losing their way but this is getting ridiculous…

Oh, it’s all in a good cause. Sinn Fein TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Fine Gael Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan and Labour TD Eric Byrne got their knees out to promote this year’s Houses of the Oireachtas hill walk in aid of Arthritis Ireland. The walk takes place at Knockanaffrin Ridge, Comeragh Mountains, Co Waterford on 17 July.

We can’t help but wonder though what the three amigos could be saying to each other in these pics – and judging by the cover pic… is this a bush walk? (Tell us in the comments section)

[caption id="attachment_172107" align="alignnone" width="717" caption="Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Jimmy Deenihan and Eric Byrne set the pace in Merrion Square today. Pic: Mick Quinn Photography"][/caption]

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