Dublin: 4 °C Tuesday 25 February, 2025

Caption competition: Ladies! Know yer onions.

What’s the connection between a photoshoot for a hair and beauty championship and the allium genus of vegetable? No, us neither.

ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER photocall with inappropriate props.

Georgia Salpa and Jude Nabney got gussied up to launch the upcoming OMC Championships in Hair, Nails, Beauty and Bodypainting in a fruit and veg market. As you do.

All caption suggestions welcome in the comments section below. There’s a special prize for making a connection between hair, nails, beauty and bodypainting and a bag of onions.* Please be kind to the ladies in your comments.

(*There may not be a special prize).

[caption id="attachment_135505" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Pic: Sasko Lazarov/Photocall Ireland"][/caption]

Meanwhile, two shoppers check out the models’ celery sticks:

[caption id="attachment_135515" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Pic: Sasko Lazarov/Photocall Ireland"][/caption]

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