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9 cartoon characters you definitely fancied as a young one


Prince-Adam-disney-males-19174522-1280-768 Source: wikia

YESTERDAY, VULTURE published a piece opining that the Beast in Beauty and the Beast is hotter than the human Prince. Many agreed:

Fancying a cartoon beast might seem completely bizarre, but many women harboured childhood crushes on animated characters (human or no) before they even knew what a crush was. There’s no shame in it!

1. Aladdin

fantasy-disney-prince-boy-band-Aladdin Source: Disney

A magic carpet ride, alright. Great teeth for a street rat.

2. Simba from The Lion King

simba Source: Wikia

Yes, he’s a lion. That didn’t stop anybody from finding him perfectly charming.

3. Trent from Daria

trentlane Source: Pinterest

You were a little older, maybe too old to be fancying cartoons… but then Trent, with his piercings and tattoos and pubey goatee, came along and changed everything.

4. Robin Hood

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Y’know. When Robin Hood was a fox.

5. General Shang from Mulan

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We’ll make a man out of YOU, Shang. Or something.

6. Dimitri from Anastasia

dimitri Source: YouTube

He had the Good Cartoon Boyfriend Hair and the flirty banter down pat. Could any flesh and blood man ever come close to him? (No.)

7. Dogtanian

dogt03 Source: Denofgeek

Or any of the Three Muskehounds, if that was what you preferred. Another one former fans can neither justify nor explain.

8. Gaston from Beauty and the Beast

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He wasn’t the handsome prince. He wasn’t even nice. But… nooooo oooone’s slick as Gaston, no one’s quick as Gaston, no one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston’s!

9. Any of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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This was surprisingly common. Inexplicable, but common.

Feel free to share your own animated crushes in the comments. There will be no judgement.

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