IF YOU’VE MADE it this far into your day without giving a single thought to the fact that it’s International Cat Day, shame on you.
And if you’re a cat owner; well, you’ll just have to live with the fact you’ve really fallen short on this occasion.
Since the strike of midnight on August 8th, the day has been devoted to the feline community, and it’s only right you pay your due respects.
So, without further ado, let’s get stuck right in.
1. Contrary to what your nightmare of a neighbour claims, a group of cats is not called a ‘shower of yowling b*astards’.
In actual fact, a group of cats is called a ‘clowder’.
2. Contrary to what you think, a group of kittens is not called ‘the cutest thing anyone has ever seen’.
In actual fact, a group of kittens is called a ‘kindle’.
3. Interestingly, the mess your cat vomits behind the couch while you have visitors is not called a ‘f*cking hairball’.
Its technical term is actually a ‘bezoar’.
4. Your cat doesn’t rub its face in and around your legs because it likes you.
They do it in order to mark their territory with the scent glands in their face because, basically, they think they own you.
5. You know when your cat headbutts your face?
Well, that action is actually known as ‘bunting’.
6. Cats don’t lose it every time the hoover is wheeled out because they’re work-shy drama queens.
They are, in fact, exceptionally sensitive to vibrations, and are said to be able to detect earthquake tremors 10 or 15 minutes before humans can.
7. If you’ve ever found yourself fascinated by your cat’s nose pad, you’re not alone.
Just like a human’s fingerprint, a cat’s nose pad has its own unique pattern.
8. When your cat purrs, it’s not necessarily because they’re delighted to see you.
It’s actually a form of self-comfort when they’re feeling a little anxious.
9. You’re right to think your cat has some seriously impressive jumping skills.
Your cat can actually jump five times its own height; not too shabby.
10. Your cat’s sex can determine whether it’s right-pawed or left-pawed.
Female cats tend to be right-pawed while male cats tend to be left-pawed.
11. Your cat’s inability to see the food you’ve placed right in front of them is not because they’re complete fecking eejits.
Cats are actually unable to see anything that is directly beneath their noses.
12. If you think your cat makes too much noise, it could be because you chat to it too much.
The more you chat to your cat, the more comfortable your cat will feel to make noise.