Dublin: -3 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

Cat revenge is the best revenge of all

They may look cute, but looks can be deceiving.

CATS DON’T LIKE to be messed with, ok?

They’re in charge, and if you forget it for even a moment, they’ll teach you a valuable lesson, as this young man learned.

YouTube/p0wer0wner via Daily Picks and Flicks

He’s not the first person to learn about cat revenge the hard way.

There was this kid who thought he could throw the cat in the swimming pool.

He could not.

This dog who thought it was a good idea to creep up behind that cat.

This kid who foolishly thought he’d get away with whacking that cat.

Don’t worry, the kid was fine.

Even other cats aren’t safe.

So, let this be a lesson to you all never to mess with cats.  They always win in the the end.

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