Dublin: 5 °C Tuesday 25 February, 2025

Is this Hector Salamanca from Breaking Bad reincarnated as a cat?

He’s certainly got the bell thing down pat.

FOR MOST CATS, treats are a thing that simply appear from time to time.  There’s not much they can do to get them aside from giving you pleading looks with their lovely eyes.

Not so for this cat.  He has got things sussed.

When he wants a treat all he has to do is casually lie down, propping himself up with his elbow, and ding a bell.  When he’s full, he just pushes the bell away, indicating to his servants that he’s had enough.

Look at his smug face.  His life is better now than we can even dream ours ever will be.

YouTube/Dan Sorkowitz

Bang of Hector Salamanca from Breaking Bad off him too.

This kitten is more excited about milk than anyone has ever been about anything>

VIDEO: The Simpsons take on Breaking Bad>

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