DOGS OR CATS? It’s a debate that has raged on for years, with vicious allegations flying in both directions.
Dog people accuse cat people of being social malcontents who will die alone surrounded by uncaring felines. Meanwhile, cat people accuse dog people of being needy emotion-suckers who can only get the unquestioning affection they crave from a dependent species.
But here’s the real question: which species is more badly-behaved? As ever, we turn to Tumblr for answers.
There is – as far as we can tell – just one Tumblr devoted to shaming dogs for their misdeeds.
But such is the frequency of feline misdeeds that there are two – yes, TWO – rival Tumblrs jostling to disgrace the miscreant cats of this world.
First up: Cat Shaming (catshaming.tumblr.com):
Facing off against its bitter rival, Cat-Shaming (cat-shaming.tumblr.com):
So there you have it. According to Tumblr, cats are twice as badly behaved as dogs.
Let’s have a little reader poll. Dogs or cats?