CATS ARE, QUITE literally, a strange breed.
One minute they’re all up in your grill, the next they want nothing to do with you.
Yep. No middle-ground whatsoever with these guys.
It’s for that reason that cats have managed to establish themselves as … Well, complete assholes.
At least with dogs, the love is unconditional. Cats? Nah. Cross them and you’re screwed.
1. If they can’t eat, nobody can
2. They have no regard for your education
Cats have no care for literacy.
3. These lads just went straight for each other, proving that cats engage in obscene violence regularly
4. This one is literally just lying on a baby
5. What about when they straight up ruin your food?
Zero f*cks given.
6. How is that cats are stronger than man?
Especially when it comes to a closed door.
7. This guy got what he deserved
Click here if you can’t see the video.
8. Look at this waffle-ruiner
9. And this spaghetti thief
Click here if you can’t see the video.
10. Cats have no concept of personal space
11. Seriously. Even your post isn’t safe.
12. Cats start being evil the minute they stop being kittens
13. What is with with their vengeful nature towards toilet paper?
14. Not to mention the Mission Impossible shit they get up to
How’d you get up there?
15. Deadlines? Good luck making them!
16. Also, what’s with those judgemental-ass looks they give you?
Actually, maybe that’s just hunger. Jury’s still out.
17. And their hatred of shoelaces
18. They always end up in the most inappropriate places
19. And show nothing but contempt towards designer handbags
20. They will impede every effort to clean your gaff
And half the time, to add insult to injury, it’s them you’re cleaning up after.
Cats must be stopped, whatever the cost.