CBS NEWS AIRED a short film about Glen Hansard on Paddy’s Day, and they’ve made it free to view online.
If you’d like to have a look-see at what Glen had to say for himself you can watch the full thing here, but we’ve pulled out the best bits for you.
Here are our eight favourite parts.
1. The title.
Pluck of the Irish? Genius
2. The fact that he takes the camera crew to a record shop that just happens to have one of his records in the window.
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3. The adoring, but slightly awkward crowd watching him sing in said record shop.
YouTube/ CBSNewsOnline
4. The bit where he dances with Mary the busker in Dublin
Incidentally, that laneway they’re in off Grafton Street is apparently called Johnson’s Court. Dubliners, did you know that? We did not know that.
5. This picture of a young Glen
6. The part where he meets his primary school principal in Grogans for a pint…
…and they laugh about the fact that he gave Glen permission to leave school at thirteen to start a career in music.
HA HA HA…wait a minute, wasn’t that really irresponsible? The principal says that one of his “proudest moments was a dereliction of duties”.
Good thing it worked out!
7. The bit where they say ‘Look, he’s mates with Bono!
YouTube/ CBSNewsOnline
Well, not in so many words, but the message is clear.
8. The bit where he admits that Once the Musical will make him really really rich…
…but that’s not what it’s about.
He’s an artist, see? Fair play to you Glen!