Dublin: 4 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Daniel Radcliffe thinks he was sh*t in Harry Potter... It's The Dredge

All of the day’s celeb filth.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.

Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has pretty high standards for himself. 

He says the Half Blood Prince is “hard to watch” because he’s just “not very good in it”. (Daily Mail)

Harsh. Way harsh.

Someone fetch him a butter beer and a cold compress.

Lorde and Taylor Swift are now such good pals that they’re going to cookery classes together. 

They made tacos. And with any hope wrote a song about tacos. Breaking up with tacos? Coveting tacos?

Just sing us a song about tacos gals.

Thank you to Chef Jeanie at Ella's Fine Food and Drink for giving us the best and only cooking lesson we've ever had! @lordemusic Source: taylorswift

Can someone please get Niall Horan a sandwich? 

The One Direction star is so busy he’s forgetting to eat.

Sushi? It’s far from sushi you were raised!

And the rest of the day’s celebrity dirt…

  • Kim K is on a liquid diet after feeling fat next to Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell. You know, actual supermodels (Daily Mail
  • Lily Allen‘s been “spotted” without her wedding ring. Shhh she might have lost it and doesn’t know how to tell him! (3am)
  • ‘Breastmilk: The Movie’. Huh? Ricki Lake explains (People)
  • Thank you Heatworld, for this Katie Price before and after gallery (Heatworld)

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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