Dublin: 11 °C Saturday 29 March, 2025

Just when you thought you were sick of Daft Punk's Get Lucky THIS happens..

Quite possibly the best use for this song ever.

YOU MIGHT BE on Daft Punk overdrive at the moment with all the new album hype and the countless ways in which Get Lucky has been remixed online.

We thought seeing it with The Angelus earlier this week was the peak of the whole craze but we were wrong.

This video of Celine Dion “rocking out” to Saturday Night Fever during a show has had the Daft Punk track laid over it and it is incredible.

It’s like watching your drunk auntie at a wedding doing her best dance moves to the power of a million.

Watch and be amazed:

franckollivier / YouTube

H/T to Popjustice

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