WHEN BRANDS GO to war on Twitter, you can usually expect song lyrics and GIFs being exchanged in the hope of getting one up on their competitor.
And so it was last night, when Channel 4 threw a bit of a ripping at ITV2 out of the blue:
ITV2 got back to them with a disapproving GIF of their own
Channel 4′s response?
Over 2000 retweets later, people had taken an interest in this mini feud.
So this guy started describing in detail why Channel 4 shouldn’t be throwing stones when they’re related to E4
ITV2′s emoji response to him was simply:
But then E4 pitched up to defend their honour, and they dragged in BBC Three – which was recently moved online
BBC Three just had to stand back and applaud
The people are here for TV stations having a bit of an online argument
GIFs at the ready.