FIRST DATES RETURNED to Channel 4 last night – and given the Irish one just finished, it was very much a welcome comeback.
And they started out with a bang.
Emma was the first into the First Dates restaurant
The mam-of-two was looking for Mr Right.
Enter Peter, the grandad who calls himself a “grandlad”
Here we go.
This wasn’t any other date though – because when he walked in Emma looked over and realised that they had dated 18 months ago
It was an awkward start
Things only got worse from there, as it turned out Peter dumped Emma by text when they broke up
The text dumping didn’t go down well
Surely we’ve hit peak awkwardness? No!
Turned out Peter and Emma were *very* close after Emma’s divorce:
“It probably wasn’t a good idea for me to meet your daughter after such a short period”
“You were the first person that I allowed into my home – that’s what upset me more than anything”
Oh no.
The rest of the date featured the pair wistfully talking about their previous relationship and Emma seemingly coming around to them giving it another go:
It’s really interesting that they have matched us and that we’re here.
He was a great guy… he is a great guy
So when we got to the decision point, nobody knew which way this was going to go
Peter went straight in:
“If you’d like to go out with me again for a date I’d be more than up for it”
Everyone was waiting for her response:
“I think that after what happened, I don’t think you realised the impact it had on me. Because of that… I wouldn’t date you again. I just don’t think I trust you”
And then followed it up with this assessment:
I’m too mature for him
Then it was revealed that Emma has met someone since filming – and people were genuinely delighted
Nearly everyone thought it was the right decision
It’s rare that people don’t want a couple to end up together
What a rollercoaster.