Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

11 of the cheekiest bits of graffiti spotted around Ireland

Never leave a gas ticket alone with a marker.

NOW NOW, DON’T be getting smart.

1. Way harsh

2. Clever girl

BntB3IDCQAAS9lg Source: JulieCummins

3. Excellent use of advertising

8vcg17s Source: jsunburn via reddit

4. and street signs

fH6q9du Source: Imgur FatherJack

5. A very Crumlin Christmas

walk2 Source: MetalIreland.com via Reddit

6. We’re a very polite bunch in fairness

cheeky-graffitin Source: sarahjaybee

7. Endearing, really

Irish Affection ❤ #Dublin #Graffiti #StreetArt Source: eimearkelleher

8. Always showing concern

9. Wherever we go

10. Bono is still a pox though

tumblr_m7613jjJSf1rb8miwo1_500 Source: Bonoisapox Tumblr

11. So stop your messin’

stop-6 Source: DailyEdge.ie reader

17 of the best examples of Irish street art>

The 11 key types of graffiti in your old schoolbooks>

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