EDWARD HAYDEN IS normally the chef on Ireland AM on TV3. He’s a well-turned-out guy who does things like drape his jumper over his shoulders.
But last night, Edward picked up a massive umbrella and reported live on Storm Frank, from the streets of Graiguenamanagh, Co Kilkenny.
(can’t see the video? Click here)
Hayden told DailyEdge he lives in Graiguenamanagh and just happened to be out for a meal with friends when they witnessed the flooding begin. So he began reporting for KCLR 96fm, still in his good clothes for dinner.
Hayden ventured out into the town’s flooded main street, and gave updates. He also posted videos on his Twitter account, taking Teresa Mannion on at her own game.
(can’t see the video? Click here.)
“KCLR were looking for something so I just sent them some links,” he said.
In the videos, he can be seen battling to control his giant umbrella and shouting into the wind as his hair whips around.
(can’t see the video? Click here.)
He even quotes Teresa Mannion at one point.
Hayden told us the videos have now been picked up by TV3 and Sky News. So we asked: is he looking to jack cookery in for a new career as a weather presenter? “Don’t rule it out.”
Edward Hayden 1. Storm Frank 0.
(can’t see the video? Click here)
And before long…
Thank you, Edward. Thank you, Edward’s umbrella.