CHICKEN FILLET ROLLS are the ultimate in Irish cuisine.
However, estimate that the bog standard fillet roll, with cheese and coleslaw, will provide you with 1,074 tasty calories.
So you may not be watching what you eat, but you aren’t quite running out to the gym or anything. Why not ride it off?
We’re here to help, and let you know just how much riding you’ll have to do to burn it all off.
So according to one study, men burn 4.2 calories every minute they have sex.
So every hour, they burn 252 calories, which rounded up, means that men could theoretically burn off a chicken fillet roll in just under four hours and thirty minutes of sex.
A mammoth task, indeed.
As for women, they burn 3.1 calories a minute, meaning that every hour of sex will take 186 calories out of you. As a result, you’ll have to keep going for just under six hours to burn off the lunchtime indulgence.
May we suggest you run, instead? Or go for some curry chips, they only contain about 525 calories so you’ll only have to go for three hours.