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Nigel the chihuahua is going global after he was arrested for 'disorderly behaviour' in Armagh

Meet Nigel. He is not a good boy.

18010750_1270642792971490_8587732496174766666_n Source: PSNI Craigavon/Facebook

ON TUESDAY NIGHT, PSNI officers in Craigavon were on patrol when they came across a particularly unfriendly chihuahua.

“This is Nigel the chihuahua,” they wrote. “Nigel was named by Wee N, who thinks that ‘he looks like a Nigel’.”

We stopped with him at around 330am on Ashleigh Crescent whilst on patrol of the Avenue Road area of Lurgan. Nigel didn’t want to play ball.

The police officers subsequently “arrested” Nigel for, among other things, jay walking, disorderly behaviour and two counts of assault on police.

Who’s a bad little boy, eh?

17992271_1269699819732454_5222492960701817142_n Source: PSNI Craigavon/Facebook

PSNI Craigavon declared Nigel to be “an angry wee man” and put a call out to find the chihuahua’s owner.

Please…find his owner. I like my fingers and don’t fancy their chances if he’s here another night. He’s currently sleeping on my jacket, which I have a feeling he’s not going to let me have back.
By the way, in this photo he’s in the drivers seat. MY seat. He chased me out of my own police car!! Angry wee so and so. Of course, the main thing is that Nigel is safe. The roads are no place for a wee lad like him to be wandering at 3.30am.

The story has since gone global with media outlets like BBC and Mashable picking it up.

chig Source: BBC

ar Source: Mashable

Here’s how a local radio station in Texas opted to report it:

Officers in the North Ireland settlement of Craigavon captured one of their most feared individuals ever, when they brought in Nigel, a chihuahua which they described as having “serious anger issues.”

Ah yes, the North Ireland settlement of Craigavon.

sg Source: AMP 103.7

After all the hoopla, Nigel was eventually reunited with his owner. And, er, his real name is Simba.

psn Source: Facebook

All’s well that ends well.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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