1. Kelloggs pencil toppers
The bigger and fluffier, the better.
2. Fancy paper
Or for the real aficionado: scented fancy paper.
3. Marbles
The ‘pearly’ ones were the best, obviously.
4. Knight Rider stickers
Or any other stickers, really.
You could put them in a book! You could put them on a folder! You could enrage your mother by plastering them on your bedroom wallpaper! Your call.
5. Pro Set football cards
Look at the step-cut on Gazza.
6. Holy medals
Not for religious reasons, but because it meant you’d BEEN THERE. (With ‘there’ being Knock.)
7. Sea shells
Collected obsessively for the duration of your holiday in Trabolgan. Then forgotten forever. (Unless they started to smell and your mum made you throw them out.)
8. Kelloggs bike wheel reflectors
See also: those clicky things you put in your spokes. Man, they don’t make cereal boxes like they used to.
The Greatest Toys of All Time Ever
9. Trolls
10. Pogs
Was there some kind of game you were meant to play with these? Nobody really knew.
11. Sylvanian Families
Mmmm. Felt-y.
12. Top Trumps
Nobody could ever agree on the precise rules. What did you do if there was a draw? Did the winner get to keep the cards? It was a high-stakes game.
13. Rubbers
And other things with which to stuff your bulging pencil case, like
14. Gel pens
For example.
15. Eircom Callcards
They never topped the George Michael edition though.
16. …and sticks
Nothing like finding a good stick when you’re out on a walk. Then you’d insist on bringing it home. Then you’d discard it in the garden because you weren’t allowed bring it in the house.
It’s tough being a kid.