CHOCOLATE BISCUIT cake is the holy grail of Irish desserts.
How could you say no to something that’s essentially a slab of chocolate stuffed with digestives, marshmallows, Malteasers, and whatever you’re having yourself?
Biscuit cake is simple enough to make at home, but if you’re looking to #treatyoself… Here are eight places to get some in Dublin.
1. The Pepperpot, Powerscourt Centre
Chocolate biscuit cake may not always be on this charming café’s menu, but if you see it… grab it, and never let it go.
2. The Kiosk, Rathgar
It prides itself on having the best 99s in Dublin, but The Kiosk also does a sumptuous choccie biccie cake. Run, don’t walk.
3. Camerino, Capel Street
This bakery has been open less than two years but already its chocolate biscuit cake (on the plate in the middle there) is the toast of the city. Get down there and try it.
4. Butler’s Chocolate Café, all across the city
It’s only natural that Butler’s, purveyors of delicious chocolate, should whip up a mean chocolate biscuit cake. Why not treat yourself the next time you pop in for a coffee?
5. Lovinspoon, North Frederick Street
This quiet spot on the North side of the city does a great fry up AND a fine biscuit cake. You know what to do. (Get both.)
6. The Cupcake Bloke, Coppinger Row
This biscuit cake even has a bit of fruit in it so you know – one of your five a day and all that.
7. Minetta Deli, Sutton
Everything from this Dublin 13 eatery looks amazing, but we’re here for the biscuit cake. Deliver it straight into our gobs.
8. Bang Bang, Phibsborough
This café (named after Dublin character Thomas Dudley) is taking Phisborough in a new and trendy direction. Look at this Creme Egg biscuit cake they created for Easter. Filthy.