WHEN YOU’RE IN the process of having your morning cup of tea, the last thing you need is your chocolate digestive to have no chocolate on it.
Such a tragedy happened to Irishman Darryl Reilly in the UK this week – and his excellent complaint on the Aldi Facebook page has gone viral:
It was a passionate plea:
The highlight being:
3 biscuits into it my dream cuppa had been turned into a nightmare…..BOOOOOM…. out of the chocolate digestive packet came a chocolate digestive with no chocolate….a very plain digestive in my opinion.
Not only was the photographic evidence damning, with over 1000 shares his complaint is gaining serious traction.
Aldi got back to him, and the sarcasm was strong
They defended plain digestives with passion:
Hi Darryl, wow – busy morning. We’re sorry you were disappointed with the surprise addition in your pack of chocolate biscuits, but we wouldn’t consider it a nightmare.
The plain digestive is not something to be shunned, but celebrated. Look at it, sitting there in plain sight – confident, not having to hide away from behind its chocolate friend.
And that wrapped it up with a classy touch:
But how do we move on from this Darryl? You’ll be tea-lighted to hear we are pretty easy going and never want our shoppers to be disappointed with our products, so please private message us with your contact details so we can send you a new packet (and a bag of sugar).
Still, no chocolate is unforgivable.
hat-tip Her.ie