This was all that remained after staffers’ bloody fistfight over chocolate supplies.
WELL, HOW DO you think you did?
Here are the answers – rate your score below.
1-5: You are either a newborn baby, or a chocolate novice. Are you one of those people who carries around fruit in a canvas bag? Either way – you should probably hit your local Londis counter and get your guzzle on. Yes, now.
6-10: Slightly better, but you still have a LOT of work to do before you can hold your head high among chocolateers. Try building gradually – start by eating two or three bars with every meal and work up from there.
11-15: You’re pretty chocolate-savvy. You should probably hide the wrappers somehow so nobody thinks you have a problem.
16-20: Your insulin level is critical. Check yourself into hospital immediately.
Are you happy with your performance? Let us know in the comments…