Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 29 March, 2025

A butcher in Fermanagh has wrapped Creme Eggs in sausage meat and deep fried them

How do you eat yours?

SURE WOUDN’T JESUS himself get down off the cross for a Cadbury Creme Egg wrapped in sausage meat, tossed in breadcrumbs and deep fried?

creme Source: @orielgirl1

Millers Butchers on the main street in Irvinestown in Co. Fermanagh is selling these creations, if the fancy takes you.

Would you eat one?

Poll Results:

NO! Get behind me, Satan! (1090)
Yes, they look divine (515)

Thanks Mary ‘Mc’ Kelly for the photo

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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