SO YOU’RE HAVING a few drinks, it’s New Years Eve after all. But what does your drink say about the year ahead?
You’re having a civilised and pleasant New Years Eve. Good for you. You pretty much already have your life together so keep going as you’re going this year.
A craft beer
You’re not having ANY craic tonight, are you? Are you in work tomorrow? You probably hate new years and talk through the countdown. Your new year resolution should be to stop getting offended at everything. Checkmate.
New year, new you? Sure what is there to improve, you’re ‘grand’ so here’s hoping 2016 will be grand too.
It’s not too late to sort yourself out. Your resolution is probably to eat less sugar and this baileys is a last goodbye of sorts. Your REAL new years resolution should be to stop worrying about it.
Bucks Fizz
Are you underage? You’ll be the one telling everyone tomorrow how they made a fool of themselves last night.
Ohhh, GET YOU. You like a bit of luxury but you secretly belt around Lidl and Penneys like you’ll never get to shop again. It’s gonna be a long January. Godspeed, you legend.
You’re going HARD tonight and literally no one will stop you. Your new years resolution should be to stop waking up with no memory of the night before, but sure nobody’s perfect.
A spirit and a mixer
Definitely came from a naggin. You’re going hard or going home. Your new year fortune is that you’ll start Dry January on January 2nd and last until the 10th. Nice effort though.
You classy yoke, you. Your new year resolution is probably to read more books or take an online class. You’ll be the last one standing tonight, and are pretty much guaranteed the midnight shift.
You won’t make it till midnight, but you’ll say it was a great night all the same.