CHRIS O’DOWD and Dawn O’Porter – the unofficial mam and dad of Ireland – are celebrating their sixth anniversary.
The pair got married in 2012 at 33 Portland Place, a London townhouse that dates back to 1775 and is one of the most exclusive and fashionable venue’s in London. Dawn also wore a dress that literally belonged to a princess before. Standard.
Now, she’s finally letting us on in the day that Chris decided to pop the question.
This is us last week, reenacting the moment he proposed. He didn’t realise it, but he’d positioned us just outside the old Guernsey Slaughter house. Married 6 years today.
Happy anniversary my darling. When I saw you in those Daz adverts, I never imagined you’d be mine.”
Not exactly the Insta aesthetic of now, as you’d imagine.
By the way, if you need your memory jogged RE that Daz ad, look no further.
Can’t see the video? Click here.
Those were good times. Simpler times, if you will.