IMAGINE YOU WERE going to the GRAMMYs tonight but had green fingers.
That’s exactly what the situation is for Chrissy Teigen right now.
But these green fingers aren’t the work of gardening, it’s from fun dip, an American version of the classic Dip Dab sherbet packs.
Why didn’t she just use the stick?!
It’s too late for shoulda coulda, what can she do?
The internet jumped to help her
With varying results
Most of them focused on how to cover it up, rather than get it off
Not helpful lads!
Then others just made perfect sense
Since she has form screaming at paps on the Grammy red carpet, maybe she should just go with The Hulk option?
Keep an eye on the E! Red Carpet tonight to see how it all turned out.
It’s edge-of-the-sofa stuff.