CHRISSY TEIGEN HAS been all over the news this week after she joined in on the #WomenBoycottTwitter movement in the wake of Rose McGowan’s account being suspended.
She’s so damn popular on Twitter that it caused a bit of a ripple with her followers – will she actually leave?
Some, though, proved her point about why she was bailing – her mentions were a mess.
But she’s still on Instagram, so her fans can get their hit of witty, sharp and hilarious Chrissy over there
Her friend Brooklyn Decker – the actress and model – is currently in the middle of her second pregnancy and sharing the journey for all on Insta
It was there this week that she shared a shot of her swollen feet: “I don’t even know where the leg ends and the foot begins anymore”
In the comments, Chrissy came in parodying the over-the-top parenting comments and advice she always receives on her posts
One of the last comments reveal her game:
I have a blog if u wanna visit (and comment !) hppt://
She has a long and proud history of railing against self-appointed expert mams telling her she’s wrong about everything
She’ll be a loss to Twitter if she does leave for good.