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Chrissy Teigen was hands down the social media hero of 2016

Queen Chrissy.

IS THERE ANYONE more refreshing on Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat than Chrissy Teigen?

The model and presenter shuts people down when they need to be shut down, shuts people up when they need to shut up, and makes us laugh around the clock.

Join us as we celebrate her 2016 in social media…

When she had no time for people lecturing her for going out ten days after having a baby

When she took advantage of Instagram’s keyword filter

When she raved about Kerrygold on Snapchat


When she did a Twitter Q&A about being a celeb

yep Source: @chrissyteigen

pne Source: @chrissyteigen

When she said what everyone was thinking about the 2016 Miss Teen USA contestants


When she sent this girl a blender

When she sent this girl a red dress she coveted, in time for Christmas

rev Source: Rebecca Howe/Daily Mail

When she captioned this photo flawlessly

When she was just holding her baby

babyhold Source: Buzzfeed

When she shared that adorable baby with us

And demonstrated that it’s not always plain sailing

Stretch marks and all


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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